Hörgerät pfeift - Ursachen & Lösungen

Hearing aid whistles

When wearing hearing aids, you may hear whistling sounds, also known as feedback or feedback. There are various reasons why these unpleasant noises occur. Feedback is particularly common with hearing aids without earmolds or with leaky earmolds; technical defects or similar are rarely the cause.

Acoustic feedback occurs when the sound is not properly directed into the ear canal and escapes - as is the case with leaky earmolds, for example. The sound is then amplified again by the microphone and the whistling occurs.

Hearing aid whistles constantly - causes

There are many causes of a whistling hearing aid. They include:

Inadequate fit

In order to conduct sound properly, the hearing aid or earmold must fit correctly. If the fitting is too open or the fit is not correct, feedback will occur. The fit of the hearing aids can change with prolonged use or changes in external circumstances - such as a change in the wearer's weight.

Solution: A visit to the hearing care professional provides certainty. Your hearing care professional can optimize the fit of your earmoulds and select a new model if necessary.

Excessive earwax

Hearing aid wearers increasingly suffer from excessive earwax production. If this blocks the ear canal, it can lead to sound leakage. This also results in feedback, as the sound is effectively reflected back.

Solution: Have your ears professionally cleaned by a hearing aid acoustician.

Too high volume

Excessive volume settings of the hearing aid can also cause sound to be reflected back and feedback tones to occur.

Solution: Select moderate hearing settings. Seek advice from your acoustician if necessary

Blocked sound tube

If the sound tube of your hearing aids is blocked, the sound conduction is disturbed. This can result in whistling.

Solution: Clean your sound tube with suitable cleaning agents and tools.

Microphone interference

Feedback can also be caused by shifting or loosening the microphone.

Solution: Visit your hearing care professional. They will check and improve the fit of the microphone.

Other defects/damage

Damage to the housing of your hearing aid or a defective bearing are other reasons for hearing aid whistling.

Hearing aid whistling - what to do?

If you notice your hearing aid whistling, you can first remove any dirt yourself, if present. You can also check the housing for cracks or damage. However, you should always leave all technical matters to your hearing care professional. As preparatory information for your visit to the hearing care professional, it is advisable to have documentation showing when the whistling occurs.

Hearing aids without whistling - preventing hearing aid whistling

In order to receive hearing aids without whistling, the devices must be regularly cleaned and maintained. Routine visits to the audiologist and ear, nose and throat specialist to check the hearing aids and your ears help to ensure trouble-free sound
